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why is organic matter important?

Organic matter serves two key roles in soil. First, it enhances water retention. Second, it provides a habitat for soil creatures. More organic matter means better water retention and more soil life.

This is vital. Healthy topsoil, rich in organic matter, protects crops during droughts. It also helps retain nutrients, allowing crops to grow larger. Increasing organic matter content is essential for regenerative agriculture and ensuring fertility for years to come. It's not easy, though. There are three main methods which will increase the organic matter content in soil:

1. Use products like AgroBoost, which have over 70% organic matter.
2. Planting cover crops, such as red clover. These boost organic matter when tilled into the soil.
3. Plan a crop rotation carefully. Some crops, like wheat, leave more organic matter behind after harvest than others, such as soybeans.

Often, the best strategy combines high-quality, organic-rich fertilizers with cover crops. This approach can yield results that feel like 1+1=3 in terms of returns on investment.
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LaSalle Agri is a locally owned and operated agricultural company that specializes in providing farmers with premium fertilizer.
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